October 24, 2024

October 24, 2024
Posted on 10/27/2024
CME Blast

News from Candice

Hello Copper Mesa Families! I hope that you all had a restful Fall Break and were able to do something fun together. I got to go sit on the beach in Mexico and enjoy some much needed downtime! We have a couple of fun-filled weeks ahead here at CME!

Halloween - Well, it’s that time of year for our annual Cougar Halloween Tradition! We will start our morning with the costume parade. If you would like to watch, you can line up anywhere in front of the school around to the side bus loop to the playground. It looks like the weather at this point is going to be sunny, but chilly, so get your gloves and scarves out and stay warm! After the parade students will be going back to their classrooms for a fun party. Parties will end by 10:15 and students will need to change out of their costume and into school clothes. Costumes should follow all dress code rules for school. We ask that students don’t paint their faces or bring weapon replicas.


Fire Prevention Week Contest - The week before Fall Break, we had Fire Prevention Week. The focus was smoke alarms. There was a contest amongst schools in our district and CME students won a full school donut party! We were so excited to win a contest!! 🙂


Colorado Association for Gifted and Talented Conference - We had a group of teachers attend the CAGT conference to learn more about supporting our advanced learners. They came back refreshed and ready to implement some new ideas and activities for not only our GT students but for everyone! Thanks to Ms. Dunn, Ms. Feinstein, Ms. Stinnett, and Ms. Andersen for attending so we can address the needs of each and every child at CME!


DCSD 5A Bond Measure -

Funding Needs in our School District
Did you know that the Douglas County School District has 92 schools and a $300 million backlog of capital investments that are needed in these buildings – this includes our school! Please take a couple of minutes to watch this brief video where our Superintendent explains in more detail. Learn more at https://funding.dcsdk12.org/bond-overview

Video Link: https://youtu.be/os2m5hlXYIE?feature=shared

Have You Turned in Your Ballot?
Election Day is fast approaching. Please be sure to turn in your ballot by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5. You can track the status of your ballot and find the locations of ballot boxes and other polling centers at www.DouglasVotes.com. Remind your friends, family and neighbors to turn in their ballots as well!


Pioneer Days - Our first graders participated in a hands-on learning experience to learn more about life in the past! Check out some cute photos below!

School Accountability Committee Meeting - Our next meeting will be on Monday, October 28, 2024. All are welcome, snacks provided! Here is our agenda. Hope to see you there!


Link to CME Website

Link to CME B.A.S.E. Website

Link to My School Bucks


Attendance Line - 303-387-7377 - please call the attendance line if your child will be out


Walk through MVHS on October 29, 2024 from 5-7pm for Trunk or Treating! Last entry will be at 6:30! Please see the flyer for more information!



DCSD is committed to implementing equitable practices to increase access to advanced/gifted learning opportunities. Based on state and national recommendations and requirements, we implement Universal Screening for students in 2nd grade (February) and 6th grade in November. If your child is in grades 3, 4 or 5 and you believe they need evaluation for Gifted Identification, you may refer your child for testing by initiating the Gifted Identification Process. Please see HERE for more details and reach out to Heather Stinnet, the CME Gifted and Talented Coordinator, with any questions.



Hello Copper Mesa! BASE is excited to sponsor a 6 week art club with Kristin from My Art Workshop. She has a variety of fall-themed art projects for the kids that will start this coming Thursday, October 10th. Students must be registered in BASE and signed up for Thursday afternoons to participate ($15 per day). Each class with Kristin will be an additional $10 and run from 3:45-4:30 pm. Students enrolled for the day will be able to come to BASE at 3:30 and may stay until 6:00 pm.


10/10 - Halloween Canvas Painting

10/24 - Haunted Houses

10/31 - Wood Pumpkin Painting

11/7 - Tie-Dye T-Shirts (bring your own shirt)

11/14 - Clay Turkeys

11/21 - Metal Embossed Thank You Cards


Please reach out to Lindsey Jackson with any questions at [email protected] or 303-503-2962.



Does your child love to read and remember details from books? Does your child work well in small groups? Is your child up for the challenge of answering quiz type questions about books?


If so…Come join the Copper Mesa Elementary Battle of the Books Club!!

When: Most Fridays, beginning November 1st at 7:45 a.m.

Where: Mrs. Hollist’s Classroom

Why: To gather information and receive grade level book list (10 books)

Battles will be held at the Lone Tree Library on a weeknight evening, once a week starting around the last week of January. The official schedule will be posted around Thanksgiving break.

Each child who wants to battle will have to commit to reading 8 of the 10 books on the list. We will talk more about ‘expert books’ as we continue.


5th/6th grade team- Megan Conte [email protected]

Casey Reinhardt [email protected]

3rd/4th grade team- Emily Hollist ed[email protected]

*Please direct all Battle of the Books questions to facilitators rather than classroom teachers.

For general information about Battle of the Books please visit: https://www.dcl.org/botb/



Please visit our lost and found boutique! You might find what you were missing! ;)



Please see the link for more information!