December 19, 2024

December 19, 2024
Posted on 01/02/2025
CME Blast

News from Candice

Seasons greetings, CME family!! I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I love and appreciate each and every one of you. I am always bragging to my principal colleagues about you all. Thank you for making Copper Mesa a joyful place and sharing your kiddos with us every day! Ms. Andersen and I wish you all the merriest of holidays filled with laughter, family, friends, and love.

Apple Award Winners - Thank you all for your thoughtful nominations of our staff members for the Apple Awards this year. We have two winners here at Copper Mesa. Our Building Engineer, Ryan Simon and our 2nd Grade teacher Ms. Renee Dunn!


Ryan has been with us through thick and thin. He is always working behind the scenes to keep CME going. Ryan will do anything for anyone at any time! He also takes time to connect with kids and build relationships. We are so grateful to have this amazing human in our building! Thank you, Mr. Ryan!!


Ms. Renee Dunn is a phenomenal 2nd grade teacher here at CME. We are so lucky to have her! Renee has been here since Copper Mesa opened! She knows how to connect to kids and how to bring instruction to life to engage kids fully into her lessons. If you ever walk into Renee’s classroom, you will see a well-orchestrated, routine-based dance. She is a master at looking at each individual student and providing them instruction that they need for their growth. Renee is kind and generous and always has a smile on her face. Congratulations to Ms. Dunn for being our 24/25 Apple Award recipient!


READ Act Parent Survey - We would like to hear from parents about your child's experience with the Colorado READ Act and its observed impact.

As you may know, the Colorado READ (Reading to Ensure Academic Development) Act provides funding and a framework for improving literacy outcomes for kindergartners through third graders, particularly those with “Significant Reading Deficiencies” (SRDs) who are at risk to not read at grade level by third grade. The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) has been working with WestEd and its partners to conduct a legislatively mandated evaluation of the READ Act since March 2020.

The survey should take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete, and all responses will be kept confidential.

  • We are only asking you to complete the survey if your child has ever been identified as having a significant reading deficiency (SRD) and/or has ever been given a READ plan.

  • If you have multiple children in kindergarten through grade 3 who have been identified as having a significant reading deficiency, please complete a separate survey for each child.

Thank you in advance for your participation in this parent survey. We greatly appreciate your time and willingness to share your experience.

Please click on the link below to participate in the survey: []


With much gratitude,





Link to CME Website

Link to CME B.A.S.E. Website

Link to My School Bucks

Attendance Line - 303-387-7377 - please call the attendance line if your child will be out



Kindergarten registration opened on December 2, 2024! If you are currently enrolled in DCSD Preschool and you live in our boundary, you will automatically roll to us! All other Kindergarten students, enroll at the above link! If you live outside of our boundary but would like to attend CME, please open enroll here!



Art Club is back!

What: Art Club will be held on Tuesdays in January after school for any students in 2nd-6th grade

Cost: $35.00 (Payable through this link on MSB)

Theme: Yarn! (coil baskets, yarn painting, weaving)

Note: Enroll by Friday, January 3rd . Art Club is first come first serve. The first 15 people who enroll on will have a guaranteed spot. Each month will have a new theme. The $35.00 covers all costs and supplies for all four weeks- if your child misses a week during the session, it is non-refundable. If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact me: Karli Burke [email protected]



Hello Families!

Our school wide Talent Show is approaching! We want to get information out to families early so that students can start preparing for their auditions.

Auditions: Monday & Tuesday February 3rd and 4th from 3:45-5:00. They will be held in the music room. Auditions will be for the following participants:

  • Performers

  • MCs (script provided at the audition)

  • Stage Crew (Sign-up audition only - no in person audition required)


Audition Expectations: Students need to present completed acts that are performance ready. Any props, music and costumes need to be ready and present at the time of their audition.


Audition Results: Results will be announced through individual letters on February 7th at the end of the school day. We have limited spots available.


Dress Rehearsals: February 12th and 19th from 3:45-5:00 (both days). Students in the talent show will need to bring all prompts and costumes to both dress rehearsals.


School Performance: February 27th from 2:00-3:00


Evening Performance: February 27th from 6:00-7:00 (students arrive at 5:30, ready to go, in the music room).


If you have any questions please contact Shelby Bryson (Ms. B) at [email protected] or Abby Muller at [email protected]




Community Fair Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 5pm to 7pm! See flyer for details!


Order on MySchool Bucks! More info on our wish week student to come! Thank you for your support!


Yearbook Website:
Yearbook Email:


24-25 - Important Dates

  • 12/20 - 1/6 - Winter Break
  • 1/17 - 1/20 - No School
  • 1/25 - Daughter Dance
  • 1/27 - Dancing with the Decades 6th grade performance