January 9, 2025

January 9, 2025
Posted on 01/10/2025
CME Blast

News from Candice!


Hello CME Community!

EPRs, aka Elementary Progress Report, aka Report Cards - Before break, our teachers worked diligently to fill out an EPR for each and every student. Please take the time to log in to your Parent Portal to view your child(ren)’s progress in the first semester.


25/26 Budget - The 25/26 School Year School Budget season is beginning! I will need to start planning our budget for next year, but I would love community input. Coming soon, I will be sending out a community survey so you are able to share your family’s priorities for our school. Once we gather the data, we will be meeting in February with the School Accountability Committee to review the findings. When you see this survey come through, please take a few minutes to share your input as it really helps me to know what is most important to you and your family! Thanks!


Weather Late Starts - Well, we got welcomed back to school with a snow storm after a mostly warm winter break! With that, I wanted to remind everyone of a few things. Breakfast will not be served on late start days because our hard-working cafeteria staff is working to get lunch going. Our doors will open at 9:50 and school starts at 10:10. Please make sure that your children are dressed appropriately for the weather. We go outside to recess if the weather “feels like” 20 degrees or above.


Avalanche Sports Reporter Delaney - I wanted to shout out one of our 6th graders. Delaney was a guest reporter at the Avalanche game over break (check out pics below)! She has been auditioning for 4 years for this and she studied game tapes, wrote questions and practiced so much. We are so proud of Delaney’s hard work, dedication and perseverance to achieve her goals! Congrats, Delaney!



Link to CME Website

Link to CME B.A.S.E. Website

Link to My School Bucks


Attendance Line - 303-387-7377 - please call the attendance line if your child will be out



Would you be able to find beauty....in a Beast? Join the fun of Beauty and the Beast! Starts Tuesday, January 21st through March 11, 2025 from 3:30 - 5pm. See flyer for registration and more details!



This year we will be starting our Choir club again the second week of February. This is due to our District Honor Choir (a special event for our 6th Graders) which will be held on February 7th.

In a few weeks I will add the new Choir myschoolbucks link to this CME Blast that is sent out on Thursdays. We are so eager to get back into the groove with a slight change this year.... we will be having Choir on Wednesday AM from 7:30-8:25 and then again on Thursday afternoon from 3:30-4:30.

As in previous years the Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon students will learn the same music and we will have a joint concert at the end of the school year. :)


As always, thank you all for your excitement and your support!

Blessings, Abby



Hello Families!

Our school wide Talent Show is approaching! We want to get information out to families early so that students can start preparing for their auditions.

Auditions: Monday & Tuesday February 3rd and 4th from 3:45-5:00. They will be held in the music room. Auditions will be for the following participants:

  • Performers

  • MCs (script provided at the audition)

  • Stage Crew (Sign-up audition only - no in person audition required)


Audition Expectations: Students need to present completed acts that are performance ready. Any props, music and costumes need to be ready and present at the time of their audition.


Audition Results: Results will be announced through individual letters on February 7th at the end of the school day. We have limited spots available.


Dress Rehearsals: February 12th and 19th from 3:45-5:00 (both days). Students in the talent show will need to bring all prompts and costumes to both dress rehearsals.


School Performance: February 27th from 2:00-3:00


Evening Performance: February 27th from 6:00-7:00 (students arrive at 5:30, ready to go, in the music room).


If you have any questions please contact Shelby Bryson (Ms. B) at [email protected] or Abby Muller at [email protected]


YEARBOOK - Yearbook Website: sites.google.com/view/cmeyearbook/home

yearbook Email: coppermesayearbook@gmail.com




Community Fair Thursday, February 6, 2025 from 5pm to 7pm! See flyer for details!



Order on MySchool Bucks! More info on our wish week student to come! Thank you for your support!

MEET THE WISK WEEK KIDDO: Her name is Carter and she would like to be a volcano scientist!

Wish Week Kiddo!  Meet Carter!  She would like to be a volcano scientist!!


24-25 - Important Dates

  • 1/17 and 1/20 - No School
  • 1/25 - Daughter Dance
  • 1/27 - Dancing with the Decades 6th grade performance
  • 2/3 and 2/4 - Talent Show Auditions


We are a neighborhood school that:


Engages the whole child

Inspires and delivers excellence

Meets the needs of all learners

Commits to a safe and nurturing environment


(303) 387-7375 Main

(303)387-7377 Attendance Line
