September 5, 2024

September 5, 2024
Posted on 09/06/2024
CME Blast

News from Candice

Hello CME Community! This week has gone by so fast. We have so much to celebrate as staff and students finish up iReady Diagnostics and get back into the learning. Sending you all good vibes and happy thoughts on this beautiful day!

SAC Ballot - Thank you to the wonderful parents in our community who expressed an interest in serving on our School Accountability Committee. Click on this BALLOT to vote for your fellow community members! Please respond by next Thursday, September 12th.


Mascot Name - So the results are in! We have a new mascot name….Cooper the Cougar is the winner! We have some really great names that students submitted for a vote. Thanks for giving your input. We are looking forward to seeing Cooper come out of her den on Friday at the end of the day!


Kindness Meetings Over this week, we have been meeting with our grade levels to talk about kindness. Recently, we have noticed some mean/teasing comments, often meant to be a joke, that have been hurtful to others. We are talking with students about the power of kindness and how we can lift each other up rather than tearing each other down. We are working with our school counselor, Mrs. Lagodny to address these topics in the hope that we can build a strong, loving and positive community within our school. Our quote this year is “Kindness is free. Share it generously!” Thanks for encouraging kindness at home!


Superhero Educators - We all know that our teachers and elementary school staff are superheroes! They come in with smiles on their faces ready to take on each day with a fresh start. They work so hard, learning, growing and adjusting their practices to accommodate each and every child in their classes. We are so thankful for our amazing staff at CME! I love to get emails that recognize our staff members and the amazing things they do everyday from you all. It’s easy to only send out communication when things go wrong, but we would love to hear the celebrations as well!

Weekly News!

Link to CME Website

Link to CME B.A.S.E. Website

Link to My School Bucks

Attendance Line - 303-387-7377 - please call the attendance line if your child will be out


Do you know any high schoolers looking for a job for after school and during breaks? This is an awesome opportunity! One of the great things about working for BASE is we close at 6, so no late night hours, and no weekends! I've included our two job postings below. Let me know if you have any neighbors or friends or kids who might be interested in working with us!


Program Leader (18 or older)


Program Aide (16 or older)


Upcoming Dates to Note!

24-25 - Important Dates

  • 9/20 - No School - In-service Day
  • 10/4 - Donuts with Grown Ups
  • 10/9 - 10/10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • 10/14 - 10/18 - Fall Break

Copper Mesa Elementary


We are a neighborhood school that:

Engages the whole child

Inspires and delivers excellence

Meets the needs of all learners

Commits to a safe and nurturing environment

(303) 387-7375