Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
Differentiated Learning
MTSS is a systematic approach to strengthen the learning of all children by combining the unique talents of both general educators and specialists for the success of all students. Teachers across the school block out time for specific instruction and personalized coaching towards mastery learning for every student.
To begin, all students are assessed with universal screeners—iReady and Wonders progress monitoring assessments. There are three levels to MTSS Interventions:
- Tier 1: within the classroom time specific to the instructor based on classroom performance
- Tier 2: during core instruction and targeted to specific deficits in learning or extensions to push rigor for advanced students
- Tier 3: the most intensive and prescriptive intervention provided to target learning deficits
Students in need of intervention will have flexible, personalized, and research-based intervention to address specific needs according to their diagnosed area of weakness in addition to providing support throughout their day. Parents are a critical part of this process and will be included for students in need of intensive intervention.
MTSS is outlined under federal and state umbrellas. Learn more at the Colorado Department of Education »